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We provide a wide range of personal and corporate accounting and tax services. We can help you with all your accounting, auditing, tax and consulting services whether you are an individual, profit oriented business, not-for profit business or charitable organizations. Our services include:


Accounting & Assurance

We offer a full range of accounting and audit
services including:

• Corporate reporting
• Preparation of financial statements and tax
• Regulatory and compliance filing
• Audit and review engagements
• Notice to reader engagements



We can take all of the day-to-day bookkeeping
tasks that put  a strain on your resources off your
plate so you can focus on your core business.
These services include:
• Basic bookkeeping services
• Regular financial reporting
• Payroll preparation and government filings
• HST filings

  Not For Profit
Auditing & Bookkeeping
We have extensive not-for-profit experience,
providing audit and accounting functions for
numerous charties and not-for-profit organizations.
We have a full understanding of  this unique
segment and we extend that experience to
your organization
     Estate & Business
Succession Planning
We help individuals with estate and business
succession planning including:
• Getting the most out of an estate left to
   beneficiaries including assistance with estate
   administration and passing of accounts
• Transitioning company assets
• Estate freezes
• Trusts



Tax services are a combination of both
compliance and planning. Having a strong
tax strategy means maximizing the value
of your wealth. We stay up-to-date on the
latest tax legislation so that you feel
confident all possible deductions and
credits are obtained and the benefits
available to you are optimized.